Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Doctor does Utah


  1. Well, it sounds like the doctor is "in" - a crazy state of desire for a most unusual type of woman that, to be honest, I pass by on the streets of Seattle almost every day. Except that in addition to having a jawline like that of John Elway, she can have a lovely eye patch and a meth mouth smile : -[::] But this doesn't sound like the middle-aged, bottle-blonde bimbo of the earlier tale! Is the good doctor conflicted in what he wants? Listening to the song, it sounds believable. Hearing the music and street choir, I can visualize the good doctor executing a cannery row shuffle with the beat. Well done portraying the complexities of a man befuddled by his contradictory desires (clap clap ... clap)!

    1. The good Doctor has but a single requirement - a certain level of "maturity"!

  2. I am torn between whether this is a love sonnet or a nightmare. The turning point was the mention of Betty White--albeit right after "long in tooth"--is a strong indication that there is attraction, because who cannot be attracted to Betty White? Or perhaps this may be one of the first songs to explore magic realism, or better yet, describe the magic realism present in the doctor's head? Much to complex for someone who cannot spell Tukwila, or figure out how to fix that misspelled word on Google.

    1. All I can tell you is that it's tough being perfect?
      / Pretends not to have had an affair with then-married Bill Ballance

    2. Exactly what I thought; as soon as I heard Betty White, my opinion changed! Betty White may not be a Betty Davis, but she does have her own powers of attraction. The doctor clearly knows how to pick em'.

  3. Oy vey, things that cannot be unheard! I've heard of ear worms before, but this was more like a harmonic anaconda. Who knew Snooki had such vocal range! :)

    You know, if the good doctor wants a strong older woman, the Temple always has plenty of Bubbes on the prowl. That's probably the doctor's game level anyway, being he's a alter kocker, lol. ;)

    Enough of this mishegas. I'm still verklempt from the superbowl anyway. Frickin schmatta play calling and Darrel Bevell can kish'm tuchas. Hopefully that nebech doesn't find a way to screw up the gift he got in Jimmy Graham.

    Well, off to nosh. L'chiam!

    1. Well, young man, you should hear my vocal range!
      / Was named "Ku Klux" by Bill Ballance because she was a "wizard in the sheets"

  4. You should have offered Pot Roast a Bud Light instead of just a 3.2!

  5. no words can express my gratitude for this song. I am so thank for this and for Ms. Black's Friday because they help elevate my stardom

  6. The reviews are in...

    Rolling Stone raves "Sonic proof that granny porn and marijuana do NOT mix."

    NME asks "Who the f*** is John Elway??"

    And my own Oprah magazine says "A delightful debut from Mensa vice presidential candidate Snooki. It's just what the Doctor ordered for women of a certain age."

    Snooki, don't forget you promised to give the Doctor my number. He can call me whenever he's ready to exchange his cougars for a brown sugar momma.

  7. I couldn't tell... was he or was he not a fan of John Elway's teeth?
